Bus from Puerto Colombia to Maracay to Merida, Venezuela

Bus from Puerto Colombia (Chorini) to Maracay, Venezuela

Getting from Puerto Colombia to Maracay is easy. Just go to the bus station and get on the only bus out of town.

Buses leave every hour or so. It is a similarly bumpy ride back to the terminal in Maracay (see getting the bus from Caracas to Maracay to Puerto Columbia).

When you get off the bus in Maracay, you will find yourself near the terminal which has the buses which go to Merida.

Bus from Maracay to Merida, Venezuela

Most of the buses leave in the early evening around 6pm and go overnight. We literally got off the bus and were met by a man selling tickets for a bus to Merida that evening. We followed him into a small terminal a paid the 140 Bolivars each for the bus to Merida.

We spent the next 4 hours hanging around the terminal as it didn’t seem the most hospitable of surroundings. We got on the bus at 6pm and it took us all the way to Merida overnight without a hassle.

The buses are really comfy and you can recline back and get a good sleep. You do need to wrap up as they get really cold with the air con on full blast. (see catching buses in Venezuela).

When we arrived in Merida approximately 7am in the morning we took a taxi to Parque de Las Heroinas where many posada’s (hostels) are located. The taxi cost us 25 Bolivars and took about 10 minutes.

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Serena Star Leonard

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