How to get from Managua, Nicaragua to Utila, Bay Islands, Honduras

Managua, Nicaragua to Utila, Honduras

If you want to get form Managua in Nicaragua to Utila in the Bay Islands of Honduras then this is the blog for you.

Getting the boat to Playa Blanca, Cartagena, Colombia

Playa Blanca - Colombia
Playa Blanca - Colombia
A seriously delicious beach!

To get to Playa Blanca, Cartagena you have four options:

  • Take the normal tour boats (2-4 hours)
  • Take a direct speed boat (45 minutes)
  • Go overland (3 hours)
  • Direct bus (only on Sunday mornings)

The first two options leave before 10am, the third option is a bus, ferry and moto taxi – which does seem like a real hassle!!

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Where to stay in Playa Blanca, Cartagena, Colombia

Playa Blanca has to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, but most people only go for a day and miss the treasure. This guide will help you plan your stay there.