The Animals of The Galapagos

The animals make The Galapagos Islands a unique and wonderful place. But is it possible to just see these animals in a zoo? If not, then why not? What makes this set of Islands so removed in the Pacific Ocean so special? What can we learn from them?

Dr Gary Hewett – Winner of the CALI Award

Dr Gary Hewett

Our newest CALI Award winner is Gary Hewett. After a life changing trip to Cambodia, Gary swapped a successful dentistry career, to dedicate himself to breaking the cycle of poverty.

Belinda Dawson – Winner of the CALI Award

Our newest CALI Award winner is Belinda Dawson, who is passionate about supporting others along the journey of having a child with special needs.

What Years of Travel in Latin America Really Looks Like!

Johnny Blow Dries

1.5 years of Latin American travel condensed into one post! PLUS a chance to create your own exciting lifestyle too.